St Mary's Church, Long Ditton

Events at St Mary's
Babes and Tots, our hugely popular weekly gathering of little ones and carers runs every Friday morning during term time
with singing, outdoor play and crafting. 9.30-11.30. Coffee makers particularly welcome!
Our choir (and junior choir) are happy to welcome new members. Please contact our Director of Music Julia Bowyer via
Wednesday 19th March, 2025. 8pm in the Community Hall. Victoria Scott, journalist and author, joins us to talk about her new historical novel, The Storyteller’s daughter (Boldwood), a time-slip novel that has already won significant praise. Victoria will talk about her fiction, her former life overseas, and how she combines this with teaching broadcast journalism. £10 tickets available on the door or book online here.
Quiz Night! 6.30pm Saturday 5th April at Long Ditton Parish Hall / £10 per person / maximum 8 per team / BYO food, drink & glasses / raffle. To book a place, contact Joanne Hall ( or Diana Jemmett ( by 2nd April.
Wednesday 9th April, 2025. 8pm in the Community Hall. Close to the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, we offer another chance to hear about the very special grave at St Mary’s which houses Austin Partner, a local banker, who died that night, and whose body was brought back by his family to be buried in our churchyard. Alison and Liz Smith, who is related to the only other Titanic victim buried in England, will tell you about new evidence relating to the ship – and what has been learned since about marine engineering and society of the time.
Saturday 3rd May 7pm - Silent Disco! Taking place in Long Ditton Village Hall, the Silent Disco returns for a second outing, with all your favourite 70s, 80s, 90s tunes and beyond! Purchase your tickets on Eventbrite by clicking here Tickets cost £15 - children must be 12+ to attend and must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your own food and drink for what promises to be another great night!
Wednesday 21st May, 2025. 8pm in the Community Hall. BookBox. Dr Richard Milburn MBE will speak about how to bring an end to the $20Bn per year illegal wildlife trade, which threatens thousands of species with extinction. Based on his new book ‘Killing the Trade’, Richard will speak about what drives the illegal wildlife trade and how we can bring it to an end, sharing examples from over a decade of work in the sector, including helping to protect gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo and elephants in Zambia. The book will be available to order from Regency Bookshop.
Wednesday 18th June, 2025. 8pm in the Community Hall. BookBox, speaker to be announced.
Wednesday 16th July, 2025. 8pm in the Community Hall. As you know, St Mary’s Church has a Titanic victim buried in our churchyard. To mark the 40th anniversary of the discovery of Titanic, we are delighted to host the launch of a new novel about the famous ship. The Lost Passenger (Penguin Random House) by Frances Quinn tells the story of someone who chose to change their destiny on the night the ship sank – on 15th April. So our special event is the anniversary of the first day of her new life! The book will be available to order from Regency Bookshop, and Frances will sign copies.
Most BookBox events are accompanied by a recommended book to share (although you can enjoy without). Copies of most of the titles are either available, or can be ordered, from our friendly local independent bookshop, The Regency Bookshop in Surbiton and they also often have tickets (and there is a discount if you buy both ticket and book from them).
How to book: For church services, just turn up! Tickets for BookBox cost £10 per person. They are available from us in church after services, or from Eventbrite via our website. If you find access difficult, or prefer to speak to someone in person, you can call Diana Jemmett 020 8398 1184 or Joanne Hall on 020 8398 5637.
At each evening we serve home-made refreshments. You can just turn up on the day, but it’s helpful if you book – so our wonderful social committee can prepare ahead.
Get involved: We are always delighted to welcome those who would like to help: our social team runs a monthly Friendship Lunch on the first Friday; magazine distributors support their local roads; our technical team helps with recording or events; our gardening team keep the church grounds looking lovely (and learn about gardening at the same time). Full training and comradeship are always on offer!
For information/programme suggestions please contact
Children's author Nicholas Allan with Thunderbirds Creator, Mary Turner. Thank you to Regency Bookshop in Surbiton for all their support with Bookbox this year.