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​St Mary's history


​St Mary's Timeline


AD 983

KIng Ethelred II or 'Ethelred the Unready' as he has been known grants 'Dittune' lands to Ethelmar, one of his ministers.

AD 1086

Dittune (Ditton) 
is mentioned
in the Doomsday book, this
is the first time
a church is mentioned.

AD 1162

Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas A Becket visits St Mary's Long Ditton for a Tennabrae service.

Thomas Cranmer was The 
Archbishop of Canterbury when
the Church of England
was established.



AD 1685

A snap shot of Long Ditton taken during the reign of
Charles II of England.



AD 1833

St Mary's Long
Ditton painted by John Hassell in
1833. Part of this building remains
as our Garden
of Rest.

click on the images for more information

AD 1824

George Edmund Street was a leading practitioner of the Victorian Gothic revival and designed St Mary's Long Ditton Church which was opened in 1881.

AD 1881

The  foundation 
stone of the current church was laid by Charles Corkran Esq JP on 22 July 1878. 

 First recorded Rector
Richard Picot  AD 1166

William de Kayhaynes AD 1198

Stephen de Grayndon AD 1262

William Gant AD 1249

Robert de Exeter AD 1267

Thomas de Edinghge AD 1271

Hugh Tripacy AD 1279

Walter de Draytone AD 1305

John de Mertone AD 1315

John de Totterforde AD 1348

John de Wytheyke AD 1365

John Houghtone AD 1372

Hugh de Woketone AD 1376

Richard Gepyant AD 1380

John de Hilesbury AD 1381

William de Gaseburghe AD 1385

John Pykerelle AD 1392

Richard Hylley AD 1396

John Montague AD 1406

Edward Prentys AD 1407

Robert Hyscough AD 1436

Thomas Lambard AD 1447

William Amy AD 1448

William Frome AD 1448

Philip Long AD 1454

John Walshe AD 1454

John Heastre AD 1461

William Gybson AD 1466

Robert Moseley AD 1474

Robert Yonge AD 1489

John Naymer AD 1492

Thomas Necke AD 1535

Richard Benese AD 1541

James Hattone AD 1546

Merideth Hanmer AD 1572

Stephen Chatfelde AD 1577

John Brownwend AD 1582

Henry Beaumont AD 1602

Richard Byfield AD 1627

Henry Hesketh AD 1662

Robert Pocock AD 1666

Joseph Clark AD 1721

William Pencott AD 1753

AD 1534

Brian Broughton AD 1813

Jervis T Gifford AD 1838

James R Huges AD 1874

Charles R W Huges AD 1889

Alfred W F Martell AD 1906

Robert H Wilson AD 1921

John C Harvey AD 1946

AD 1912

The Titanic
foundered on an iceberg taking
the life of
Austin Partner.

AD 1940 - 41

During the blitz of London a high explosive bomb narrowly missed the church falling in Church Road destroying 11 of the 13 windows  

Frederick O Burt AD 1956

Eric F Smith AD 1967

Colin W Prtichard AD 1982

David Lankey AD 1995

Shirley A Cooper AD 2003

Vicki Burrows AD 2007

Kuhan Satkunanayagam AD 2015

AD 1349

The religious hospital foundation at Sandon (Sandown) was completely wiped out by the plague
in 1349.

AD 1685

Ditton was swallowed up in the vast ‘Hampton Court Chase’ created by Henry VIII in 1518.

AD 1212

King John who himself is recorded as having passed through Ditton in 1212 on his way to Guildford.



Alter Window
Guides, Brownies & Rainbows
A Brass
Altar Window
The Morgue
The Garden of Rest
Inside the church
Inside the church
Inside the church
Inside the church
St Marys
IMG_4913 (3).jpg
Inside the church

Peter Fussell


Without Peter Fussell's fascinating and detailed research the timeline and the history presented here would not be possible. It is with great thanks from the church that we can look back and see an amazing 1000 year history.


Peter moved to the Parish with his wife Barbara, Peter has played an active and committed role in the community of the church of St. Mary’s Long Ditton. 

His full documents can be found on the right:

Church Windows
Curets and Screens
Long Ditton in Maps

Following Christ, serving you

Registered charity number 1128898

© 2015 St Mary's, Long Ditton

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